Thanks for taking the first step to becoming a Cliffhangers member

To apply to join the club, simply fill out and submit this online application form. To start with, we'll ask that you confirm your email address.

We'll assess your application (normally within 2-4 days) and contact you via email with the outcome of your application. If your application has been approved you'll be able to come down to the cliffs on a Monday or Wednesday night. You get a two week free trial before paying your membership.

If you have any questions, please contact the club executive at:

Please note that only persons over the age of 16 may climb with the club

For your information, QUT Cliffhangers membership dues are as follows, and will be due for renewal six or twelve months from the date of initial payment:

Membership DurationFirst Year QUT StudentQUT StudentNon-QUT Student
12 Months$99$125$195
6 Months$59$75$110

Other than the two week free trial period between your initial application approval and paying your membership, you must be a paid up member to climb with the club.

You can start your trial or pay your membership once you have received a confirmation email and your website account has been set up.